Job Application Checklist: 5 Things You Must Focus On

Anyone that has been job hunting is likely to be familiar with the tedious process of filling out job application. Filling out form after form for each position you apply to certainly isn’t fun. However, job applications remain a crucial part of the employment process.

These applications provide employers with vital information about candidates and help them screen for the most suitable ones. As a result, job applications could be considered just as important as resumes when it comes to landing an interview.

Many people fill out job applications much like they would fill out any other type of form. However, this mindset could prevent you from presenting yourself to employers as best as possible. So check out our job application checklist below if you’d like to start filling out job applications in the way that professionals with established careers do.


A photo showing a silver laptop resting on a wooden table.

1. Review the Job Application ’s Instructions

Job applications from large companies often feature a list of instructions to follow. These could be instructions related to the format in which information should be presented, the word limit for a section, or instructions on what kind of information to include.

It’s important to read these instructions carefully and follow them while filling out your application. Failing to follow instructions could lead to the company’s application review system rejecting your application, even if you possess the right qualifications for the position.

This is one of the primary tips that people using job search assistance programs are taught to follow, so be sure to understand the application form’s instructions before proceeding.

2. Include a Detailed Work History

The main section in each job application focuses on the applicant’s work history. This section includes numerous slots or boxes where you can mention your past roles, job starting and ending dates, and duties.

Filling out your job title, company name, and start and end is relatively straightforward. However, the portion where you list your duties is trickier and far more important.

This is because it’s possible to make a simple duty or activity seem far more valuable with the right wording. We’ve previously discussed the importance of quantifying your achievements in our resume writing guidance blog. You should do the same when you fill out your work history in job applications.

3. Explain Work History Gaps

If you have long gaps in your work history, you should provide a satisfactory explanation to the employer. This could be time taken off to pursue a degree, help with a family business, or the recovery period following an illness or severe injury.

Explaining these gaps is important because it offers the employer more insight into who you are and how committed you’ve been to building your skillset. Your explanation can also showcase some transferable skills that may be useful to the company.

For example, if you quit a job to focus on fundraising for a charity organization, mentioning this on your job application form can convey that you possess sales skills.


A photo showing a person in a brown sweater using a laptop at a table.


4. Double-Check Your Contact Information

Including the correct contact information sounds like a no-brainer. However, it’s always possible for someone filling out multiple application forms each day to rush through this section and make mistakes.

If you’re filling out a job application form online, your web browser may have already saved your contact information. In this case, you simply need to click a single button to have it autofill your contact details in each field in the application’s contact section. However, this approach can still lead to some mistakes, such as your phone number being entered into the zip code field or vice-versa.

Including the wrong email address or contact number could lead to you missing out on an interview opportunity, so be sure to double-check your contact information and ensure it is complete and accurate.

5. Use Keywords

In the digital era, companies sort job applications using computerized systems. These systems can scan and analyze hundreds of applications in a matter of minutes by looking for specific keywords. They then forward the applications that contain a high number of matching keywords to the employer.

For this reason, you should consider including these keywords in your work history or other sections of the job application. You should note that employers don’t publicly list the keywords they ask their systems to check for. However, you can read through the job description carefully and try matching some of the terms used in it.

Alternatively, you can reach out to a career guidance counselor who has experience with keyword research. This professional can help you fill out your job applications with the right keywords and offer additional career guidance for adults.


A photo showing a person using a laptop computer at a round table.

Why Choose Resu Consulting?

Filling out job applications might not be fun, but the process does get easier with time. With enough practice, you’ll be able to breeze through these forms and present your information in a manner that gets the system to select you.

Once you’re done with your job application, you’ll be required to include your resume before submitting it to the employer. You should ensure your resume is optimized and up-to-date. If you’d like to have your resume reviewed by an expert, consider contacting Resu Consulting.

Our consultants offer resume review services for free and can offer valuable advice on how you can improve yours. As the best site for career guidance, we take pride in offering numerous services designed to help professionals. This includes career coaching, resume writing, cover letter writing, and LinkedIn profile writing. Get in touch with us and book an appointment with our consultants today.

8 Little-Known Benefits Of Professional Career Counseling

Finding the right career path can be challenging for anyone who’s entering the evolving job market in the US. The choices are endless, and the pressure to make the correct decision is very high. Amidst such circumstances, a career counselor can help you.

Continue reading this blog to identify the hidden advantages of professional career counseling.

Uncovering Hidden Talents

Professional career counseling can help you identify hidden talents to boost your career. Trained career counselors utilize various tools and assessments to help individuals identify their core strengths and interests. The self-discovery process not only paves the way for a fulfilling career but also boosts self-confidence.

It’s no secret that many individuals have to follow a career path because of peer pressure or societal norms. Through career counseling, they might realize their future lies in another industry. By tapping into their passion, they can kickstart their corporate journey.

Personal Development

Career counseling isn’t limited to choosing the perfect job or industry. It also helps you focus on personal development and enhances essential skills like problem-solving, teamwork, and public speaking. Through personalized coaching, career counselors can help individuals identify areas of improvement like communication skills, time management, and leadership attributes.

A professional career counselor can design a customized plan to develop and enhance your technical skills using a combination of practical exercises. Their comprehensive approach not only prepares individuals for their job but also equips them with skills that add to personal and professional growth.

Overcoming Mental Roadblocks

Embarking on a career journey can be full of setbacks and constant rejections. If you’re constantly getting rejections, you may face various problems like self-doubt and imposter syndrome. Fortunately, the emotional support and guidance provided by professional career counseling can make a significant difference.

Career counselors know how to tackle psychological obstacles that hamper progress. Through one-on-one sessions, you can openly discuss your fears and insecurities. With the assistance of a counselor, you can learn coping mechanisms and build the confidence needed to land your dream job.

An individual is sad because of constant job rejections.

Customized Roadmaps for Career Growth

Career counselors collaborate with talented individuals to develop strategic plans that outline short-term and long-term career goals. These roadmaps are tailored to each individual’s unique requirements, considering their skills and market trends.

A personalized roadmap not only provides clarity but also serves as a motivational tool. You can refer to the roadmap as a compass, ensuring you stay on track during the job application process. The strategic approach to career planning is an excellent benefit that can help you navigate your corporate journey without hassle.


A career counselor helping an individual make a career roadmap.

Smart Decision-Making

Making informed decisions about which career path to choose is never easy. Luckily, career counselors can provide the clarity you need and assist you in making smart decisions related to your career.

Career counselors offer industry insights and up-to-date knowledge of market trends, helping individuals understand the demand for specific skills and the potential growth prospects of various sectors. The information can help you make better choices that align with your skills and academic qualifications. Undoubtedly, individuals who receive career counseling are more likely to choose paths that lead to job satisfaction and long-term success, as their decisions are based on extensive research.


A career counselor assistant a student make career decisions.


Unsurprisingly, career counselors possess extensive networks across various industries, connecting you with industry leaders and potential employers. The access to industry insiders provides a unique opportunity for you to gain firsthand insights into your favorite industry and understand the complexities of specific jobs.

With extensive career counseling, you might have the chance to collaborate with established professionals, attend industry events, or secure job interviews. Career counseling acts as a bridge between job applicants and the industry, facilitating connections that can drive careers forward.

Long-Term Career Management

Career counselors work with individuals to develop skills that not only suit their current goals but also protect their careers in the long term. Career counselors identify trends, emerging technologies, and evolving job market demands, helping individuals develop skills that align with future market needs.

The proactive approach ensures that individuals are equipped to adapt as industries evolve. When you progress in your career, you can visit career counselors for guidance on promotions, salary negotiations, and professional growth trajectory.

Handling Career Transitions Efficiently

Did you know 41% of Americans are looking to switch industries for their next job? But selecting the right industry and acquiring a job isn’t as easy as it sounds. These transitions can be trickyand accompanied by uncertainty. Professional career counseling offers steady guidance through these transitions, helping individuals understand new job markets with confidence.

Experienced career counselors have an extensive understanding of multiple industries and job markets. They can provide valuable information about the requirements of different roles, offer strategies to bridge skill gaps, and help in making a top-class resume from scratch. Their support not only streamlines the transition process but also minimizes job-switching stress.


A career counselor checking a resume.

Join Hands With A Reputable Career Guidance Consultant

Do you need tailored career advice and want to boost professional growth? You’ve come to the right place! At Resu Consulting, we offer comprehensive career counseling services to enhance your journey toward corporate success.

Our team of experienced career guidance counselors specializes in resume writing guidance, job search assistance programs, and personalized executive coaching. You can get a head start in the corporate world with our free resume review services. From helping you explore new job opportunities to writing a detailed cover letter, our career guidance consultants can help you at every step.

So, what are you waiting for? Get in touch with our team for more information about our career guidance services.

Unlocking Corporate Success: The Role of a Resume Writing Consultant

Getting your resume seen by employers is hard, but fine-tuning it to be good enough to land you interviews is even harder. This is a harsh reality that many job seekers face when they enter the job market.

Depending on the position you’re applying for, there could be dozens or even hundreds of other candidates vying for the same role. So how do you improve your chances of getting an interview in the face of such challenges? One solution is to turn to a resume writing consultant for help.

Numerous job seekers rely on these professionals to help them navigate the resume challenges they face in the job market. Let’s examine some of the ways a resume writing consultant can put you on the path to achieving corporate success.


 A photo showing a man and a woman in an office with large windows.

1. Writing and Editing Your Resume

The primary activity that a resume writing consultant performs is writing and editing resumes. These professionals possess writing experience as well as an in-depth understanding of different industries. They can utilize their skills and knowledge of job markets to create a new resume or edit an existing one based on their client’s background, work history, and career goals.

An ordinary resume writing consultant can craft a passable resume for your job hunt. They can also edit a consulting resume sample you’ve sent in and optimize it in different ways. This includes changing the layout and getting rid of any spelling errors.

This is a relatively basic explanation of what these professionals do. However, a truly great resume writing consultant’s role extends far beyond this.

2. Assisting With Resume Customization

Creating a single resume can seem daunting for many people. However, even those who manage to complete this task could still fail to get callbacks for interviews. This problem can be even more alarming for people with extensive work histories that cover a wide range of roles and industries.

Cramming information about each role you’ve held in your resume can make it look unfocused and confuse employers. Such employers have only a few seconds to glance at each resume before moving on to the next one, so it is important to provide them with only the information they are seeking.

One way to present this information effectively is by crafting and sending in a customized resume. A customized resume includes only information that is relevant to the role you are applying for. So if you’re applying for a job in the finance industry, your resume work history section should include only finance-related roles. If you’re also applying for jobs in the IT sector, you can create a separate resume highlighting your roles in IT jobs.

A resume writing consultant can help you create numerous customized resumes to help you cast a wide job search net. They can also provide guidance on resume writing if you would like to do it yourself.


A photo showing a man standing in an office holding a tablet computer.

3. Optimizing Your Resume With Keywords

Many companies have begun using application tracking systems (ATS) to sort through job candidates and select suitable ones for interviews. These systems typically scan resumes for specific keywords before choosing candidates with the highest number of desirable keywords.

This means it is possible to boost your chances of getting an interview if your resume contains the right keywords. However, knowing which keywords to include is challenging because employers do not disclose the keywords they’ve programmed their ATS to check for.

The best resume consultant will possess an in-depth understanding of how ATS work and which keywords they are likely to look out for based on the job description. They may also know which keywords are likely to have the most importance compared to others. The consultant can then create a custom resume that includes some of these keywords.

4. Assisting With Cover Letters

A resume writing consultant’s role extends far beyond that of just working with resumes. These professionals can also help you create cover letters.

Cover letters are important because submitting a well-crafted one can help you stand above other applicants, even if your work history or accomplishments aren’t as grand as theirs.

A resume writing consultant can utilize their writing skills to create suitable cover letters for each position you are applying to. They can also channel their industry knowledge to present a convincing case for why the employer should hire you.

The combination of an optimized resume and an excellently-written cover letter can greatly boost your odds of receiving an interview, so consider using this service if you happen to hire a resume writing consultant that also writes cover letters.


A photo showing a man in a brown suit holding folders.

Why Choose Resu Consulting?

As you can see, a resume writing consultant can help your career in numerous ways. These professionals are an invaluable resource for professionals at any stage of their careers. So consider reaching out to them for assistance.

If you’re looking for a free resume reviewer or a reliable resume writing consultant, contact Resu Consulting. Our teams of experts offer resume review services for free and can help you learn different ways to optimize your resume. With their help, you can understand the weaknesses in your profile and discover techniques to make your skillset more appealing to employers.

We also offer numerous other services that can benefit both students and professionals. This includes career coaching, resume writing, cover letter writing, and LinkedIn profile writing. So take the next step and take your career to new heights. Contact our team to schedule a meeting.

Crafting a Professional Resume: 5 Tips to Follow

A professional resume is the key to getting your foot in the door in an industry or at a company. Such resumes detail key information about your background, education, and work experience and highlight your competencies. However, how you craft your resume also influences how the employer reading it perceives you.

It’s easy to feel held back if you have a humble educational background or few work achievements to highlight, but don’t be discouraged. The truth is that just about any individual can present their background in a manner that helps them shine.

For this reason, it is vital to create the perfect resume that advertises you to the business world in the best possible way. However, this is easier said than done. Numerous people struggle to craft a good resume, let alone an excellent one.

The good news is that it is possible to create a professional resume that wows employers if you’re willing to put in the work. Let’s look at 5 essential tips to follow when crafting a professional resume.


A photo showing a woman writing on a document attached to a clipboard.

1. Use the Right Layout

Every great resume is created with a specific layout in mind. They are designed to convey everything the reader needs to know about you efficiently. This is incredibly important because employers spend only 6 to 7 seconds on average on each resume before moving on to the next one in the pile.

For this reason, you should choose a layout that makes the employer’s job easier and tells them what they want to know quickly. This includes putting key information near the top of the resume, using clear headings and subheadings, and using bullet points to list information.

An executive resume consultant would also recommend writing a summary or an objective statement that succinctly describes your qualifications and goals at the start of your resume.

2. Create Multiple Resumes

The idea of crafting multiple resumes might sound strange, but this resume guidance tidbit can increase your chances of getting more interviews. So why would you need to create different resumes? The answer is simple: To convey the right information to the right employer.

If you have an extensive work history, listing down all the information about your past jobs will make your resume overwhelming to read. A better approach is to create a master resume that includes your entire work history and educational background and then create smaller resumes tailored for specific types of jobs.

For example, you probably don’t need to include the six-month stint you did as a cookie factory taste tester on the resume you send in for an IT job. The employer at the IT company would much rather learn more about the internship you completed at a local tech startup in college, so be sure to focus on that instead.

3. Utilize Action Verbs

There are numerous ways to present the same piece of information. However, the manner in which this information is presented could either bore readers or pique their interest.

One way to get employers interested and demonstrate confidence is to use action verbs when you list your duties or accomplishments. For example, a statement such as “Developed and executed a new sales strategy, resulting in a 20% boost in revenue” sounds far more exciting than “Served as a member of the sales team”.


A photo showing a clipboard next to a silver laptop.

4. Check Out Other People’s Resumes

Another useful piece of resume writing guidance is to simply go through other people’s resumes. This could be resumes of friends, family members, or others in your professional network.

It’s generally best to look up resumes of successful people in the same industry as you. This approach helps you observe the format they’ve used, the type of information they’ve included, and how they’ve worded their work history and accomplishments.

If the person whose resume you’re looking up is successful, chances are they’re doing something you should be doing too. Therefore, looking at their resume is a good place to start.

5. Get Your Resume Assessed By Professionals

Once you’ve crafted your resume, consider having it assessed by professionals. Many career counselors are willing to do a quick resume review free of charge. They can look over the different sections and tell you about the changes you should make to appeal to employers in your industry.

Some career counselors can also write your resume for you once you provide them with enough information about your education and work history. Hiring a resume writing consultant is a good option for people who aren’t confident about their writing skills and would like to leave the resume-creation process to experienced professionals. However, it is still vital to learn what goes into making a professional resume, as you will be relying on it throughout your career.


Why Choose Resu Consulting?

As you can see, crafting a professional resume isn’t a quick or easy process. However, the tips described above should help you get on the right track. Your resume is your ticket to making it in the professional world, so consider spending a few days creating yours and then having it reviewed by the experienced consultants at Resu Consulting using our free resume review service.

We have a large team consisting of numerous experienced consultants with an in-depth understanding of hiring practices across different industries. They can use their knowledge and expertise to help you enhance your career.

Our current list of services includes career coaching, resume writing, cover letter writing, and LinkedIn profile writing. So get in touch with our team and start working toward your career goals with the perfect resume today.

How To Find The Best Career Guidance Consultant: A Step By Step Guide

Starting your career or altering its trajectory isn’t easy. No matter what life stage they are in, adults face numerous challenges in this area. Many of these hurdles arise from being unfamiliar with professional life and how the job market works.

If you’ve found yourself in this boat, you might be wondering who you can turn to for advice. The answer is a career guidance consultant.

Also known as a career guidance counselor, this professional is equipped with the knowledge and know-how to help you get on the right track. They can assess your background, education, work history, and career aspirations before recommending ways to achieve your career goals.

There are numerous professionals who offer career guidance for high school students or career guidance for adults, but the kind of assisstance they offer differs. In this guide, we will go over the steps to help you find the ideal career guidance counselor.

A photo showing a woman sitting at a desk and writing in a notebook.

Step 1: Determine What You Need

Before starting the search process, it is vital to determine the type of services you actually need. This step is vital because it will help you narrow down the specific kind of career guidance counselor who can deliver what you’re seeking.

For example, you might be interested in finding someone who offers career coaching services or a professional who has experience with writing and critiquing resumes. Perhaps you’re seeking someone who specializes in career guidance for students who are unsure of which field to pursue or who can help you craft the perfect LinkedIn profile.

There are plenty of career guidance consultants who offer each of these services, but it is best to learn which service they excel in and whether that service aligns with your needs.

Step 2: Research Online

The internet is the best place to start your search for a career guidance consultant. A simple Google search for  “career guidance counselor” or “career guidance for adults” should yield numerous results.

This includes websites for counseling organizations, counseling centers, and private counselors. Consider browsing through the results on the first two or three pages, checking whether the professional or the organization offers the type of service you are seeking.

It is also worth looking up the counselor’s or center’s location. If they are located too far from you, it may be better to choose someone who is closer. Alternatively, you can opt for a counselor who offers online career guidance through video calls.

Following this, you should note down five professionals or organizations that fit the bill.

Step 3: Assess the Options

Career counselors differ greatly in terms of qualifications, skills, and experience. For this reason, it is vital to assess each option and narrow down your choices.

Many career counselors are also members of organizations that uphold professional standards. This includes the National Career Development Association (NCDA) and the American Counseling Association (ASA). Choosing a counselor who is a member of one of these organizations increases the likelihood that they are well-qualified and meet professional standards.

You can also look up online reviews for the counselor or organization. This is a great way to hear from people who have used their services in the past and learn about their experiences. It is best to look up reviews and ratings from independent websites, as reviews on the counselor’s or organization’s website may have been cherry-picked.

By the end of this step, you should be able to narrow down your picks to three choices.


A photo showing two people sitting at a circular table at a cafe.


Step 4: Get in Touch With the Consultant

The next step is to contact each consultant and speak with them directly. This is a great way to learn more about the professional and determine whether their knowledge and expertise are as in-depth as advertised.

During your meeting with the consultant, you can ask them question questions such as:

  • “What is your background and experience in career counseling?”
  • “Can you provide examples of clients you have helped in the past?”
  • “What tools do you use to help clients?”

A good counselor will be upfront about their background and be able to provide names of clients they’ve helped. If one of the clients works in an industry you are interested in getting into, you can ask the career counselor about it. This gives you an opportunity to learn how much the counselor knows about the industry and whether they are suited to help you enter it.

It is also important to ask the career guidance consultant about their fees. Depending on the professional, they may charge an hourly rate, a flat fee, package deals, or a subscription model for ongoing access to their services. Knowing this information upfront is vital as it could impact the professional’s suitability.

Step 5: Make Your Choice

Once you’ve spoken with all three career guidance consultants, you should have a good idea of which one is the best choice. So, consider reaching out to the counselor and start using their services.

A photo showing a man in a suit writing on a document.

Why Choose Resu Consulting?

Choosing the right career guidance consultant can be a lengthy process, and there’s no guarantee that the professional you end up choosing will be able to deliver good results.

If you’re interested in skipping this search process and using a career counseling service operated by a team of experienced career experts immediately, consider choosing Resu Consulting.

We offer a wide range of services, including career coaching, resume writing, cover letter writing, and LinkedIn profile writing for students and professionals alike. Get in touch with our team and start working toward your career goals.

6 Cover Letter Writing Mistakes You Must Avoid

It’s not just you – nobody likes writing cover letters!

Cover letters have long been the subject of debate among business professionals. Many career guidance counselors advise young candidates to submit cover letters with their job applications. Meanwhile, many seasoned hiring managers admit to not reading most cover letters they receive. The confusion is frustrating for job seekers everywhere.

Regardless, one thing’s for sure: the consideration behind submitting a personalized cover letter with your application is enough to boost your chances of success. Recruiters appreciate the thought even if they don’t read your cover letter. The only thing that can hurt your application, then, is submitting an ineffective cover letter. Let’s discuss some cover letter writing mistakes you must avoid to rise above your competition.

Mistake 1: Not Consulting Industry Professionals

Seeking guidance from industry professionals is always a good idea. You can gain the insight other candidates might not have by consulting with career guidance counselors or industry insiders. Reach out to them and ask for their professional opinions regarding cover letters. The insight they provide will help you write better cover letters.

If you don’t consult industry professionals, you might struggle to properly format and draft your cover letter. Many applicants also fail to write impactful cover letters for the same reason. So, look for seasoned career guidance counselors near you and connect with them. You can also contact Resu Consulting for online consultations.

Mistake 2: Failing to Follow a Format

Formats are a big deal in the corporate world. The way you structure your cover letter and resume is often the first thing resume reviewers notice. They prefer clean, well-structured, and easy-to-read formats. Cover letters that follow a standardized outline are easier to skim through, which is what most reviewers do with the thousands of applications they receive.

Failing to format a cover letter properly can make your letter cluttered. It can be difficult for reviewers to go through the information provided in your letter this way. So, take your time to format your cover letter properly. Most companies prefer this format:

  1. Your contact information
  2. Date of submission
  3. The receiver’s information
  4. A professional salutation
  5. An introduction paragraph explaining how you found the job
  6. A middle paragraph mentioning your most important qualifications
  7. A strong closing that motivates them to take action
  8. Your signature


a person typing on an Apple laptop

Mistake 3: Repeating Resume Information

One of the most common cover letter writing mistakes is regurgitating information from the resume. When you apply for a job, hiring managers receive your resume and cover letter at the same time. They often screen your resume first since it contains the most relevant information. In doing so, they learn the basic information they need to know about you. As such, you don’t need to repeat the same information in your cover letter.

Use your cover letter for a deeper look into your identity as a candidate. Avoid simply restating your qualifications and work history. Instead, highlight specific achievements or experiences that are directly relevant to the job you’re applying for. Focus on how your skills can contribute to the company’s goals and emphasize your enthusiasm for the role. Remember, employers always prioritize key skills, so highlight those!

Mistake 4: Not Personalizing the Letter

Most seasoned workers have a curated resume template for different job applications, but many candidates use the same resume every time. Doing the same with your cover letter can significantly hurt your chances of success.

Be sure to customize and personalize your cover letter as per the company you’re applying to. Take the time to research the company, understand its values, and tailor your cover letter to showcase how your skills and experiences align with their needs. Address the hiring manager by name whenever possible to create a more personal connection. Failing to personalize your cover letter can give the impression that you lack genuine interest in the specific position or company.

Mistake 5: Using Cliché Language

Recruiters review so many cover letters that some terms become cliché after a while. Adjectives like “passionate,” “dedicated,” and “hard worker” don’t deliver impact to recruiters anymore. Instead, they might make your cover letter seem generic and make you blend in with all the other applicants.

So, avoid using clichéd language in your cover letter. Instead, consult career guidance counselors and ask them about the qualities recruiters seek in quality candidates. Present these qualities in your cover letter by using strong, action-oriented language. Back your claims up by providing concise and relevant anecdotes of your demonstrating those qualities. This shows resume reviewers that you’re reliable.


a woman typing a letter on her laptop

Mistake 6: Not Proofreading Your Letter

Lastly, don’t forget to proofread your cover letter before submitting it! The entire purpose of cover letters is to exhibit your professionalism. You won’t come across as professional or meticulous if your cover letter has grammar, punctuation, and/or spelling mistakes.

So, use our online resume reviewing tool to see how well your resume or cover letter ranks compared to others. You can also identify mistakes and fix them with the help of our cover letter writing consultants.

Happy job hunting!

two female employees having a discussion

Learn to Improve Your Job Applications with Us!

Recruiters review thousands of job applications, resumes, and cover letters – Resu Consulting can help yours stand out.

Head to one of the best career guidance websites and sign up for our services today! Our resume writing consultants can help you identify weaknesses in your resume and cover letters. We will help you write better resumes and cover letters that rank high and get recruiters’ attention. You can discuss any job searching and career-related concerns you have with our career guidance counselors.

Book your appointment today!

How to Design a Logo for Your Business: A Step-By-Step Guide

Graphic design is changing the corporate world.

Whether it’s aspiring job applicants making distinctive resumes or small businesses establishing a brand identity, unique design can make all the difference! This is also true for business logos, one of the most influential aspects of building a recognizable brand identity.

Surveys show that most customers remember brands because of their distinctive logos. A well-designed logo can make your business stand out from the rest and help customers gauge its quality of service. Professional-looking logos function the same way curated resumes do; they help influence your audience’s perspective of you or your business.

But how can you design an exceptional logo? Follow this step-by-step logo designing guide to make your business stand out!

Step 1: Understand Your Brand Identity

A brand’s identity comprises its visual aspects like its logo, color palette, and typography. However, establishing a unique brand identity isn’t as simple as it may seem. The process takes a lot of careful consideration and planning. Making your brand identity distinctive requires a thorough understanding of your business goals, strategies, and market standing.

Before diving into logo designing, take some time to understand your brand identity thoroughly. Reflect on your business’s core values, mission and vision statements, and unique selling points. Your logo should accurately portray your business’ curated personality and corporate identity.

Step 2: Study Your Competitors

Researching your competitors may seem like a waste of time, but it’s not! As markets become more competitive and saturated, standing out from the competition becomes even more important for every business.

Take time to study other key players in the market your business operates in. Studying your competitor’s brand identity and corporate strategies can help you gain insights that you can use for your own logo design. When analyzing competitor logos, you might discover some common elements and use them as inspiration. Remember not to plagiarize other popular logos or create a logo that looks too similar to another one. Instead, take notes about professional elements, such as fonts and color palettes.


a woman taking notes while doing online research

Step 3: Identify the Right Color Palette

Every logo designing expert will tell you that colors make a huge difference in establishing a professional business identity. The right color palette can invoke the right emotions in your audience, making them develop a favorable perspective of your brand.

Conduct research about color palettes and choose colors that align with your corporate strategy. Remember, funky colors are often viewed as less professional than muted ones. For instance, many top automotive brands have minimalist color palettes featuring colors like black and grey to convey sophistication. Other brands that are catered towards an emotional audience typically feature brighter colors like blue and yellow. So, take the emotional aspect of colors into consideration when designing your business logo.

Step 4: Explore Fonts and Typography Options

Typography is critical to delivering the right perspective of your corporate identity. Explore font options and choose one that portrays professionalism, sophistication, and reliability. The font you choose for your business logo should mimic the overall personality of your brand. If your brand is playful, bubbly and fun fonts will fit your brand identity. Contrarily, sleek and professional fonts are suitable for brands that want to be taken more seriously.

Explore font options online or take inspiration from your business’s top competitors. Avoid using too many font styles in a single logo, as it can create visual clutter. A combination of a primary font for the brand name and a secondary font for taglines or additional text often works well.

Step 5: Brainstorm Design Ideas

Now that you have a clear vision of your logo’s elements start creating the initial designs using graphic design software or online logo makers. Incorporate all the color and typography elements you’ve researched into the rough sketch you make. Remember to keep the designs simple, as overly complex logos can be challenging to reproduce and may lose impact when scaled down. Simple, subtle, and minimalist logos do an excellent job of portraying professionalism and quality.

a man using his digital tablet to draw a logo

Step 6: Consult with Professional Designers

The logo designing and brainstorming process is much easier when you enlist the help of professional designers. So, reach out to logo designing experts online and discuss your vision. You can also share your sketches and get feedback on them. Professional logo designers can either refine your logo sketches and produce a similar result or create new ideas from scratch using the information you give them. Either way, professional logo designing services can help save time and effort and help you achieve a result that perfectly captures your brand identity.

Professional logo makers realize that a successful logo fits every aspect of a business’s online presence, including its platforms, social media pages, and applications. As such, you can test your new logo with your designer’s guidance and see if it fits your vision across all platforms.

Step 7: Finalize Your Design

Once you receive multiple logo designs and test them across your business platforms, it’s time to finalize your choice. Focus on minute details like font alignment, letter spacing, typography proportions, etc., to determine how good your logo looks. After finalizing your new logo, remember to update all your business platforms to incorporate it. To prevent other brands from copying your logo, consider trademarking it!

two colleagues happily discussing a document

Visit the Best Website For Career Guidance Today!

Do you need further job search assistance or business-related services? Get in touch with the Resu Consulting team!

We’ve designed one of the best career guidance platforms for students and working adults on the internet. You can use our site to get a free resume review or book a session with our resume-writing consultant today. Our career guidance counselors also help students entering the workforce stand out as job applicants. Sign up for our logo designing, resume reviewing, cover letter writing, and other services from the comfort of your home!

Contact us to book an appointment now.


Hiring a Career Coach? 6 Things You Must Consider

Nobody deliberately chooses the wrong career, but the problem is all too common.

According to various surveys, about 9 in 10 people regret choosing their career too quickly. Most people end up choosing the wrong career because they don’t have a clear idea of their career preferences. Many people aren’t aware of the options available to them and opt for basic choices in a rush. This problem makes the job of a career coach more valuable than ever.

Whether you’re a recent graduate, looking to switch careers, or aiming for a promotion, having a career coach by your side can be a game-changer. However, hiring a career coach requires careful consideration. Learn about the top factors that can help you choose the right career coach below.

What’s a Career Coach?

A career coach is an industry professional who uses their valuable insight and experience to help people choose the right career. A career coach, or career guidance counselor, specializes in helping fresh graduates and working adults identify career options, establish career objectives, and achieve career goals. Career guidance counselors offer much-needed support to struggling individuals, helping them rise above the market competition and attract the attention of recruiters.

Factors to Consider when Hiring a Career Coach

Whether you’re investing money in hiring a career coach or using free career guidance platforms online, considering some important factors is necessary. Not every career coach can help you, which is why it’s essential to find one who understands your unique vision. Here are some factors to consider when hiring a career coach:

1. Research the Coach’s Credentials

Not all career coaches are created equal! Every career guidance counselor has unique experiences and industry insight. A coach’s credentials can significantly impact the effectiveness and quality of their services. Look for coaches with relevant certifications, such as the International Coach Federation (ICF) accreditation. Having professional credentials ensures a certain level of professionalism and adherence to ethical standards. This is an important distinction since the coaching industry continues to face a market boom! Remember, a career coach can only provide quality services if they are compassionate and professionally adept.

a woman in a white blazer smiling while talking on the phone

2. Focus on Their Industry-Specific Expertise

Even though career guidance counselors are typically well-versed in every field, some only have expertise in a specific industry. Try to find a career coach with relevant experience and updated insight into the industry you’re interested in. If you want to break into the marketing industry, consult career coaches who have MBAs or have worked in marketing-related positions.  A coach who understands the intricacies of your profession will be better equipped to guide you on your career journey. They’ll be able to better inform you using industry insights that non-marketers don’t have.

3. Look for Their Testimonials and Reviews

One of the best ways to gauge the effectiveness of a career coach is by reviewing testimonials and feedback from previous clients. A good career guidance counselor with years of experience will have satisfied clients who leave positive reviews on their websites or social media accounts. Since career counseling is a booming business, many counselors have their own business websites or pages. Feel free to go through these career guidance platforms and read testimonials about a certain coach’s services.

4. Evaluate Their Coaching Style

Every career coach has their unique coaching style, allowing them to connect with various types of clients easily. Unfortunately, not every style works for every client. Depending on the style of coaching you prefer, evaluate a career guidance counselor’s approach before hiring them. You can do so may booking an initial consultation free of charge. If your desired coach doesn’t offer this service, then you can gauge their coaching approach by discussing their methodologies during the hiring process.

Look for a career coach whose coaching style is compatible with your learning style. Evaluate whether the coach focuses on career exploration, skill development, or personal growth. Doing so will help you determine which benefit you’re seeking the most and choose a coach who can provide it.

a person reading an online social media page on their laptop

5. Explore Communication Options

Effective communication and a strong rapport between you and your career coach are critical to the success of the coaching partnership. During an initial consultation or discovery call, pay attention to how the coach actively listens, asks relevant questions, and provides feedback. Explore options for communication that you and your coach are both comfortable with, such as phone, email, or online sessions. A skilled coach will create a supportive and non-judgmental environment where you feel comfortable sharing your concerns and aspirations. Having an established line of communication will also make it easier for you to relay updated information to your career guidance counselor.

Make sure you establish the need for confidentiality before hiring a career coach. You might share personal information with your coach during your sessions. If you want this information to remain private, discuss confidentiality agreements with your guidance counselor before hiring them.

6. Discuss Coaching Fees and Price Deals

Lastly, discussing service fees is essential. Career coaching fees can vary widely based on the coach’s experience, expertise, and geographic location. Before entering into a coaching agreement, discuss the coach’s fees, payment structure, and any additional costs associated with the coaching process. Some coaches offer package deals, while others charge per session. Additionally, inquire about the coach’s cancellation policy and the expected duration of the coaching engagement. Understanding the financial commitment upfront will help you make an informed decision.

Good luck!


a businesswoman smiling while talking to someone on her phone

Visit the Best Site for Career Guidance!z

The first step to choosing a suitable career is connecting with seasoned industry professionals. Resu Consulting can help you do so!

Our team of industry insiders has expert knowledge on topics such as resume writing, cover letter writing, and career guidance. Use our free online resume reviewer to see how well your resume ranks in the job market. Consulting with our career guidance counselors can give you the insight you need to pick the perfect career and secure the jobs you apply for.

Book your consultancy appointment today.

A Comprehensive Guide to Connecting With Hiring Managers

How big is your professional network? This question ultimately determines your success at job hunting and building a successful career.

Networking, or connecting with recruiters and other employees, makes the corporate world go round. Without industry connections, you’ll remain in a disadvantaged position compared to your peers. While your skills and experience might make you excel at a job, landing it in the first place can be challenging. Career guidance counselors agree that having connections with decision-makers, like hiring managers, helps you overcome such challenges by giving you a head-start in the industry. In fact, a large majority of all jobs are filled through networking, making it essential for all workers.

But how do you build connections with hiring managers as a young employee? Let’s explore some effective tips for connecting with hiring managers!

Understanding the Role of Hiring Managers

The recruitment process is incomplete without hiring managers. They play one of the most critical roles in any organization since the quality of the workforce depends on their expertise.

Hiring managers don’t just get the final call on which job candidates get hired. They also supervise and conduct other critical tasks related to recruitment, such as identifying job requirements, creating job descriptions, and screening applications. Drafting job offers and managing recruitment costs are also a hiring manager’s responsibilities.

Organizations often establish hiring goals that help them strategize better. Without hiring managers, achieving such goals becomes significantly challenging – a common problem for companies today.

Finding the Right Hiring Managers

As a job candidate, hiring managers are likely to be your direct points of contact during the job application process. When you apply for a job by submitting a resume and cover letter, your application is reviewed by hiring managers. They are the ones who identify suitable and qualified candidates, so connecting with hiring managers properly can be the make or break of your career.

Finding hiring managers who can understand your vision and passion as a candidate can be tricky. The first step is researching hiring managers in companies you want to join. Use platforms like LinkedIn to discover the hiring manager’s professional background, experience, accolades, and interests. In doing so, you’ll be able to approach them in a more personable way. Remember, connections are the strongest when they’re built upon common interests and shared experiences!

three businesswomen in a meeting

Connecting With Hiring Managers

So, you found a few hiring managers you’d like to connect with, but how do you go about it? The following tips from career guidance counselors and industry insiders might help!

Tip #1: Draft a Targeted Resume and Cover Letter

No job application is complete without a well-crafted resume. However, the same resume won’t be suitable for every job or hiring manager. You need to tweak your resume for each job and include relevant keywords to align with the job description. Similarly, you must craft your resume in a way that appeals to the hiring manager who reviews it. Researching the hiring manager before applying for a job can help you craft a targeted resume. If you’d like assistance from resume writing consultants, consider reaching out to Resu Consulting.

While they may seem obsolete, cover letters are still an important element of recruitment. Hiring managers are more likely to consider your application if it has a cover letter. Many job seekers think hiring managers don’t read cover letters but that’s not true. A majority of recruiters prefer applicants to submit cover letters. So, use our online career guidance platform for help writing an exceptional cover letter for any job!

Tip #2: Utilize Online Resources

Most recruiters and hiring managers now scout job candidates using online platforms like LinkedIn and Indeed. This presents job seekers with the unique opportunity to connect with hiring managers directly, which was nearly impossible to do before the internet.

So, make the most of online platforms and connect with hiring managers professionally. Look for hiring managers at your top companies and add them to your LinkedIn network. Interact with their posts and engage with them through relevant content. You can even try reaching out to them via private messages, but be careful about respecting professional boundaries. Initiate a conversation only to express your corporate interests and avoid informal language.

a laptop screen showing a person’s LinkedIn profile

Tip #3: Leverage Your Network

While the internet is a powerful tool for connecting with hiring managers, approaching them in person is often more impactful.

Try to find people within your personal circle, like your friends and family, who have connections that you could leverage. Attend industry events or conferences with mutual workers for an opportunity to approach hiring managers in person. Even if you only establish surface-level communication with a hiring manager initially, you can then approach them online to nurture the connection. Cold inquiries on social networking platforms can often be off-putting for recruiters. So, even a base-level connection can help hiring managers warm up to you when you message them online.

Remember to consult with professional career guidance counselors to draft a personable inquiry for hiring managers before approaching them. Good luck!

a job candidate and interviewer shaking hands

Consult Career Guidance Counselors Online!

Do you want to learn more about standing out as a job candidate? Connect with Resu Consulting!

We offer specialized career guidance for students and adults who are struggling to navigate the job market. Our team brings one of the best career guidance platforms to you, enabling you to get free resume review services online. Our resume-writing consultants help you draft high-ranking resumes and cover letters for any job.

Get in touch with us to learn more about our job search assistance programs!

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